Co-dependency Training Switzerland
This a beginner 3-part training given over 2 years that will take place in Switzerland and will be conducted in English and German. This training will offer a basic understanding of healing codependency. We will explain the family dynamics that give rise to this as well as explain shame, trauma, negative contracts and issues relating to boundaries and needs. This training will be a mix of experiential, theoretical and practical.
This is an intensive process in three sections for learning to work with the inner child and relationship issues. It teaches the basic elements of healing the wounds we carry inside and how to create intimacy in our lives. Our understanding for the inner child in this work is that space inside of deep vulnerability and sensitivity which has been so deeply betrayed that we are afraid to open. In this training, you will be learning the skills and techniques to conduct individual inner child sessions and sessions with couples to work through co-dependency issues. You will be learning to work with issues of the abused, traumatized and abandoned inner child and the specific ways in which these wounds affect our relationships.
The Methods Techniques and Therapeutic Dynamics of Working with the Inner Child
These principles will be developed through all sections of the training:
Creating a Space of Safety and Trust
Regression, Trance and Learning the Language of the Inner Child
Working with Grief and Anger Without Pressure
Building a Container
This is an intensive process in three sections for learning to work with the inner child and relationship issues. It teaches the basic elements of healing the wounds we carry inside and how to create intimacy in our lives. Our understanding for the inner child in this work is that space inside of deep vulnerability and sensitivity which has been so deeply betrayed that we are afraid to open. In this training, you will be learning the skills and techniques to conduct individual inner child sessions and sessions with couples to work through co-dependency issues. You will be learning to work with issues of the abused, traumatized and abandoned inner child and the specific ways in which these wounds affect our relationships.
The Methods Techniques and Therapeutic Dynamics of Working with the Inner Child
These principles will be developed through all sections of the training:
Creating a Space of Safety and Trust
- This builds a foundation for the deepest inner work to happen. Many of us are not at all in touch with our inner child. In addition to creating a general atmosphere of love and trust, we also teach specific techniques to foster this space.
Regression, Trance and Learning the Language of the Inner Child
- In order to access our inner child, we have to learn a specific language. It is a language which speaks directly to the unconscious of the child inside. We also learn to use regression and trance to access deeply buried feelings.
Working with Grief and Anger Without Pressure
- We work with these strong emotions in a specific way in this work which invovles helping people to access and work through spaces of buried anger and grief in a powerful yet delicate and sensitive way. We allow the inner child to bring up these feelings in his or her own time and way without the slightest bit of pushing or expectation.
Building a Container
- A key ingredient to our healing is developing the ability to hold or contain our feelings - especially feelings of anger, rage, frustration and pain. We teach techniques which unables us to be with and tolerate these uncomfortable inner spaces without avoidance or reaction. This gives the possibility for spaciousness and meditation to arise.